Jul 14, 2023
A farm boy dreams of a life of adventure and finds his place in a Galaxy Far, Far Away. We could be talking about Luke SkyWalker, but it is actually this week’s guest Micheal McMaster, droid builder extraordinaire. You may not know his name but you have seen his work in the recent Star Wars Films and series on Disney+. Micheal sits down with the Regular Joes and mutual friend Brian Mix to talk about his journey, his robots, and what it takes to bring animated characters like Pixar’s WALL-E, and Chopper from Rebels, to real life. With Mouse Droids, Astromechs, even a full scale probe droid, for Micheal no project is too big or too small. In a special What’s on My Workbench segment he shares his progress on one his recent efforts, easily the most well known robot in sci-fi history. Thanks for listening!