Jan 5, 2024
Zack Snyder has made some good films. Rebel Moon: Part I. A Child of Fire is not one of them. Described as both the start of a new sci-fi franchise, and the byproduct of a failed Star Wars pitch, what Rebel Moon most resembles is amalgamation of scenes and themes from a long list of other familiar films. You haven’t seen it? Here’s a recap, Gamora, who is estranged from her evil dad, rounds up slightly less than seven samurai, to take on an evil galactic empire before being betrayed by Han Solo.
The Regular Joes conduct a postmortem review examining how, with top-notch talent, excellent visual effects and clearly a healthy budget did this project still manage to go so wrong. And, moreover, with part II coming shortly, and a director’s cut no one other than Barry will watch, is there anywhere to go with this franchise? There’s also the usual random topics.
Thanks for listening, and Happy New Year!