Mar 22, 2024
Over the last quarter century, Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg have collaborated to spotlight the extraordinary contributions of the greatest generation in the Second World War. Following the universally lauded Band of Brothers (2001) and its successor The Pacific (2010) their most recent effort, Masters of the Air just completed its Apple TV + tour of duty. The Regular Joes deliver a post mission debrief, covering the high points and most resonant elements of the series. Like Barry and Dave you may have missed the 2019 Guy Ritchie film The Gentlemen, but now he’s back with a follow up series, likewise titled The Gentleman, on Netflix. If you like darkly, humorous British crime dramas, this may be just your cup of tea. The Joe’s give their take on the first episode, and then some. There’s also the usual, Random Topics and a round of What’s in the Box. Thanks for listening!