Mar 17, 2017
The Doctor is In. QMX has just released their Dr. Leonard McCoy 1/6 scale "Articulated Figure" and, in a rare moment of consumer consensus, Dave, Barry and Tod each bought one. SPOILER they all liked it. Find out why, as well as what other Star Trek figures and accessories they are hoping to see. Logan is the 10th and most recent entry in the long running FOX X-Men film franchise, and, reportedly, Hugh Jackman's last time portraying Wolverine onscreen. Hear what the Team thinks about the film and the franchise as a whole. While Logan slices up the big screen, Legion, a less overtly X-Men linked series runs on FX. Where do the Regular Joes sit with the show and how does the first X-Men (sort of) related live action TV series compares to some of the other comic based offerings? Listen in to find out. All this plus the Regular side order of Random Topics. Thanks for listening!