Apr 10, 2020
Val Kilmer films are like ice cream, everyone has a favorite flavor. And, as some might say, there’s no accounting for taste. This week our five hosts, yes that’s five, as Brian Mix is back and Derryl DePriest drops in to discuss three of Val Kilmer’s very different films. Note: Mr. Kilmer was invited but was unable to attend due to a prior engagement, and ... likely his dignity. First on deck is Kilmer’s first film role, Top Secret (not to be confused with Top Gun) Zucker and Abraham’s spoof/mash up of espionage films and, yes, Elvis Movies from 1984. Next it’s the box office winner of the three, from 1988, Ron Howard’s fantasy epic Willow. While opinions differ greatly on this particular film, when you first saw Willow is clearly a large factor in how you feel about it. Lastly, the low hanging fruit of Val Kilmer films, Tombstone, the 1993 western where Kilmer’s portrayal of dandy gunfighter gambler Doc Holiday eclipses his costars, the film’s historical subject, and possibly the entire state of Arizona. They also throw in a round of Val Kilmer related Show and Tell in their ongoing effort to give you an hour or so each week where your are not simply pondering where your next roll of toilet paper is coming from.