May 8, 2020
This week the Regular Joes have a full house as the regular Regulars are joined by Derryl DePriest and Brian Mix to observe the annual Star Wars holiday/marketing ploy. They have a lot to talk about as Disney+ has just wrapped up the Clone Wars for a third and seemingly final time. Warning, there will be SPOILERS, but really, if you haven’t watched Clone Wars previously nothing they talk about will make any sense to you anyway blah blah blah Ahsoka, blah blah blah Darth Vader, blah blah blah, repeat. Then, because Star Wars is the one topic about which all fans agree, they engage in a series a spirited discussions about their favorite characters, Droids and other stuff, as well as lengthy prognostications on the impact of 40 plus years of narrative on two of Star Wars most iconic figures. There’s also What’s in The Box, and a sampling of Random Topics. Disclaimer: a not insignificant amount of alcohol was consumed during this episode resulting in a somewhat rambling discourse and at least one ill advised criticism of J.J. Abrams. Thanks for listening, Say Safe, and May The Fourth Be With You!