Dec 18, 2020
If you are a Star Wars fan, or a Marvel fan, or a fan of anything else that comes from the entertainment juggernaut that is Disney last week Christmas came early. Disney’s investors Day 2020 detailed, more or less, plans for dozens of Disney + TV series, including at least 10 Marvel and 10 Star Wars offerings, coming in the next three years. Oh, and films, you want films, Marvel, Star Wars, Indiana Jones and a whole lot of kid stuff the Joes didn’t really care about. This giant sized info dump gave the Regular Joes much to talk about, ponder, and speculate on as they get ready for the streaming onslaught in 2021. It’s a Tsunami of nerdy goodness heading our way. Ride the wave baby! There’s also the usual Random Topics and a round of What’s in The Box. Oh, and they never even get around to talking Mandalorian. Go figure. Thanks for Listening!