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They're into movies, toys and TV shows, comics and collecting and super heroes.  There's no end to the useless stuff they know, but don't call them GEEKS, they're just Regular Joes!

Jun 11, 2021

With their Anniversary odyssey of cinematic enumeration behind them the Regular Joes are back in the saddle. This week they waited to record until they had all seen the first episode of Disney+/Marvel Studios Loki. So, if WandaVision was weird and intriguing, and Falcon and the Winter Soldier fell somewhat shy of expectations, the third time should be the charm . . . like a magic charm? Work with me here. At first glance Loki is everything we expected and seemingly more. Turns out the eons old Norse god of mischief may have room for personal growth after all. And of course, because you missed it, there’s the usual Random Topics and a Round of What’s in the Box. SPOILER Dave buys more tools and Barry buys more Star Wars action figures. Come on people, it’s been eight years, it’s not like you shouldn’t see these things coming. Thanks for Listening!