Nov 19, 2021
Once you’ve done something twenty-five times getting it right should be pretty much a walk in the park. The Eternals, the newest Marvel Cinematic Universe offering may indicate otherwise. Over the last dozen years Marvel has gone back to the well several times to pull relatively obscure characters such as Ant-Man and The Guardians of the Galaxy to elevate them to high profile hits. As one of the later creations of the legendary Jack Kirby (Captain America, The Fantastic Four etc, etc.) The Eternals certainly have the DNA to be a hit. But why does this adaptation seem so, well . . . Meh? The Regular Joes all returned to theaters last week contributing to the box office, if not critical, success of the newest MCU film. Find out why they (even typically drinks the Marvel kool Aid, Tod) fall in line with the near universal indifferent response the film has received. And while they are on the subject of Marvel they run down recent movie and TV series updates from Disney+ Day . . . despite Barry and Dave’s repeated efforts to shift the conversation to Star Wars. And while they are at it, there’s also Random Topics and a Round of What’s In The Box. Thanks for listening!