Dec 3, 2021
This past week Disney+ launched their fourth live action Marvel
Cinematic Universe based show. WandaVision was very good but
uneven, Falcon and the Winter Soldier was kind of a meandering,
missed opportunity and Loki seemed to be going somewhere . . . but
then didn’t. So, does Hawkeye finally hit the target? The answer is
a clear maybe, sort of, we’ll see. Two episodes in opinions are
mixed. There’s a lot of speculation about what we might see, or
want to see. But, as we well know, the powers that be at Disney
have their own ideas, and agendas, to pursue.
While we are on the MCU subject straggler Dave has finally seen
Shang Chi, the second of four Marvel films for 2021. As such it’s
time for the Regular Joe’s to share their SPOILERS thoughts on this
Martial Arts / Action-Adventure / superhero origin film.
It’s two slices of Marvel in one episode, and also Random Topics
and a Round of What’s In The Box. Thanks for listening!