Oct 4, 2024
This week, the Regular Joe’s joined by Irregular Joe’s, Derryl DePriest and Brian Mix, revisit the Marvel Cinematic Universe Catalog from a different perspective, or perhaps a few different perspectives. Ultimately the question becomes which, Marvel films do you find compelling enough to rewatch, whether you stumble upon them while randomly channel surfing, spot them while scrolling the channel menu, queue up a streaming channel, or if you’re really old-school, loading physical media. Along the way, it becomes clear that there’s apparently no one way to watch TV. Some find other’s methods unusual, still others are downright perplexed why anyone would ever watch a reformatted, edited, commercial interrupted, fragment of a film they own. There’s also the usual Random Topics, and a round of What’s in the Box which includes a Holy Grail Barry has been seeking for a very long time. Thanks for listening!