Oct 27, 2017
Tod was sick, Barry was grumpy, but nevertheless our stalwart ensemble pressed onward to give you another episode of the Regular Joe’s Podcast. This week we tackle Fall TV. What returning shows are we interested in? What new shows seem promising? And what summer shows caught our interest? In addition to what we watch...
Oct 20, 2017
Blade Runner 2049 has been met with generally good reviews and smaller than anticipated audiences. Find out why two of the Regular Joes are among those enthusiastic about this long awaited follow up to Ridley Scott’s 1982 classic, and the third…not so much. Does the film stand on its own, or is it a sequel in the...
Oct 13, 2017
It’s New York ComicCon time again and the Regular Joe’s made their annual trek (some longer than others) to check out the sights, and wade through the largest ComiCon crowd of the year. Find out what they saw, what they brought home, and learn the single most useful tip for getting into the event in a timely manner....
Oct 6, 2017
After a few very narrowly focused shows this week we take some time to get caught up on all the other stuff, including some What’s in the Box and Show and Tell. From the two extremes of creative endeavors, Dave recommends a $3000 tool for hardcore makers and Tod offers a tip that costs virtually nothing to implement....