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They're into movies, toys and TV shows, comics and collecting and super heroes.  There's no end to the useless stuff they know, but don't call them GEEKS, they're just Regular Joes!

Apr 24, 2020

Taking some time out from simply talking about what they are watching on TV, the Regular Joes sit down with Bill Nedrow who recently published The Joy of JoeCon, a collection of essays reflecting on the history and resonance of the long running International G.I. Joe Collectors Club Convention or JoeCon. After that they...

Apr 17, 2020

Yes, It’s our landmark 333rd episode, we are half way to the rather ominous episode 666 and a third of the way to being one episode from 1000. For this week’s episode we do what we have done most weeks over the last six years. Just three friends sitting down and talking. We cover some random topics, catch up on our...

Apr 10, 2020

Val Kilmer films are like ice cream, everyone has a favorite flavor. And, as some might say, there’s no accounting for taste. This week our five hosts, yes that’s five, as Brian Mix is back and Derryl DePriest drops in to discuss three of Val Kilmer’s very different films. Note: Mr. Kilmer was invited but was...

Apr 3, 2020

The first season of CBS All Access’ Star Trek Picard has wrapped and the Regular Joe’s call in their west coast correspondent (and positronics expert) Brian Mix to help assess the series. This is Trek unlike anything we have ever seen, but is it good Trek? Opinions vary. You will be surprised at who rates it...