Nov 11, 2022
Each year the Regular Joes record their annual RI Comic-Con podcast episode from a particular Sofa in the lobby of the Omni Providence Hotel. This year the Joes called in a Power Ranger for assistance as Rocky the Red Ranger Steve Cardenas both cleared the sofa and sat down for an interview. Some years the lobby is a gold mine for interviews, other years not so much, but it’s always a good time for the Joe’s to catch up in person and talk about the show. While every RJ episode is recorded live, few are quite as free flowing the the RI excursions. It’s best to listen without any pre-conceived expectations, especially when they introduce a new piece of equipment, the remote mic. With an assist from Viva Mexico (not sponsored) margaritas Dave wanders the lobby and engages with several convention attendees with this new toy. Note for 2023. Margaritas and a remote mic, always a winning combo. Thanks for Listening!