Jun 9, 2017
Got it in Four. With the release of Wonder Woman the DC cinematic universe finally has a film that is a hit with fans, critics, and legions of little girls everywhere. As the first big budget superhero film to feature a female lead, and the largest opening ever for a film directed by a woman, Wonder Woman has already made history, now we find out where Barry, Dave and Tod come down on it. Does it bear too much similarity to a certain other film within the genre? How does this cinematic incarnation of WW hold up to her four-color origins? And does this make any of them even slightly less apprehensive about the upcoming Justice League? The Joes also take time out to revisit the previous, often obscure, small screen interpretations of the Amazon princess, from 1967, 1974, 1975 and 2011. All this plus Random Topics, What's in the Box, and the winner of Dave's custom Star Trek prop give away. Thanks for listening.