Apr 16, 2021
April 5th is known as “First Contact Day” to Star Trek fans, unless you are Barry, who dismisses it as a “made-up holiday.” Note: Barry observes May the 4th (apparently not a made up Holiday) by getting up early to buy Star Wars products. No judgments. Just a curious anthropological observation. Anyway, First Contact Day has become the annual info dump on all things Star Trek. This year there was a lot to talk about. Because frankly, there’s a hell of a lot of Star Trek shows in the hopper. Star Trek Discovery Returns with new and exciting ... uniforms. And Picard season two teases he either be visited by the omniscient trickster Q or that old dude who gives James Bond all his toys. Star Trek: Prodigy and Star Trek: Below Decks are animated series for two very different audiences. And then there’s Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, which is really the one that everyone’s excited about. There’s also some vague speculation about an announced date for a Star Trek movie. Which thus far has no script, cast or director. The Joe’s also catch up on Falcon and the Winter Soldier, and Barry and Tod give two thumbs up to Amazon’s Invincible while Dave remains indifferent. Other than a few Random Topics that’s pretty much it, and they still manage to chew up an hour. Thanks for listening!