Jul 23, 2021
Ok, so if there is one thing for certain about the Marvel Cinematic Universe based shows streaming on Disney+ we never quite know what we are getting. WandaVision kept people guessing. Falcon and the Winter Soldier was the can’t miss vehicle that somehow never quite got out of Captain America’s giant shadow. And then there’s Loki. What could be better than a series about the charismatic, and occasionally sociopathic, Norse God of Mischief? How about a series about more Lokis that you can, or probably would not want to, imagine? With lots and lots of magic? mischief? And mayhem? Or maybe not. Well, there was really a lot of talking. And that’s good because if you are setting up the next phase of the MCU you want to establish a solid foundation to build on. Yeah, again, not so much. Listen in as The Regular Joes continue to process what they just saw. There will be SPOILERS. There’s also the usual Random Topics, and of course What’s in The Box. Thanks for listening!