Jul 30, 2021
“Everyone is excited about the new Ghostbusters film,” Which, frankly, is a phrase we haven’t been able to say since 1989. The trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife looks incredible. As we creep closer to the film’s November release trepidation over the franchise’s next incarnation is rapidly being replaced by eager anticipation. Who you gonna call? Next up the Regular Joes ask the question, do you add to the collection or do you upgrade? There has never been a time like this for 1/6 scale collectors. Hot Toys and other companies are putting out amazing stuff, then upping their game. Between the three hosts there are hundreds of, not inexpensive, Marvel, Star Wars and other licensed figures. This week they discuss just how one goes about deciding to commit the money and space to yet another version of a given character. Do you go the Barry and Tod route, amassing cadres of Stormtroopers, Luke Skywalkers, iron Men and Black Widows? Or take the Dave approach and go for a more reigned in strategy of having a (mostly) single representation of each character and possibly upgrading over time? Don’t expect a definitive answer. There’s also the usual Random Topics, and the near inevitable What’s in The Box. Thanks for listening!